About Us
The Kentucky 911 Services Board (KY 911SB) sits within the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security. The Services Board has many roles including providing grants, support, and training to Kentucky’s network of certified 911 dispatch centers, or public safety answering points (PSAPs). The services board and its members create legislation, provide policy and training, and distribute funds to ensure that city, county, and state first responders have the communications infrastructure and capabilities they need to facilitate a timely response to emergencies across the Commonwealth.
PSAPs (Public Safety Answering Points) are responsible for receiving 911 calls and processing those calls according to a specific operating policy. You might think of these as a dedicated call center for answering emergency phone calls and dispatching first responder personnel appropriately.
Police, fire, EMS, and many other agencies rely on their local PSAP's ability to receive and deliver emergency information in a timely manner. The Kentucky 911 Services Board is honored to help these critical centers both maintain and improve their capabilities and infrastructure in order to help keep Kentucky safe from all threats and hazards.
Pursuant to 202 KAR 6:080 all CMRS providers are required to submit zip code subscriber reports detailing prepaid, postpaid and Lifeline subscriber counts quarterly. To assist with your submission, the 911 Services Board staff developed a template in MS Excel to ensure uniform submission for all CMRS providers. The MS Excel template, titled "Provider Reporting," can be downloaded below.
Please note that the annual report template is formatted in a manner that is conducive with the quarterly zip code reporting mechanism. As such, submitting quarterly zip code reports for 2018 and beyond using the template below will satisfy the annual report requirement.
Provider Annual Reports
Pursuant to KRS 65.7630 (4), CMRS providers shall submit to the board "one annual report each calendar year of the total number of active CMRS connections in each zip code within Kentucky served by the provider for each month during the year. The report shall be in the form and manner prescribed by the board and shall be submitted no later than thirty (30) days after the end of each year. Each CMRS provider shall include in its report separate counts of the numbers of active CMRS connections attributable to prepaid customers, postpaid customers, and wireless low-income Lifeline customers served by the CMRS provider for each month."
The 911 Services Board developed a MS Excel spreadsheet template for CMRS providers to complete their statutorily required annual report:
Provider Reporting.xlsx
Please send completed "Provider Reporting" files to: 911Services@ky.gov.
Please note that pursuant to 2016 HB 585, any provider receiving reimbursement from the USF Lifeline program is required to remit $.70 per month per Lifeline subscriber to the 911 Services Board. Payments should be made through the portal below. As directed by KRS 65.7636 (2)(a), providers shall remit to the Kentucky 911 Services Board "The number of unique end users with Kentucky addresses for which the Lifeline provider received reimbursement from the universal service fund during the immediately preceding month." Monthly Lifeline subscriber counts must be listed in your monthly postpaid Provider Remittance Report using the portal below.
2020 911 Grant Awards
Prepaid and Postpaid Remittance
Providers (or their Tax Service) remitting 911 surcharges to the Board will continue to do so using the EFT and Provider Remittance Report process.
Prepaid surcharges are collected through the Kentucky Department of Revenue.